性感丝袜 百家乐涩涩片百家乐涩涩片 主持:传媒高级训导外洋定约通告处 经办:电视与新闻学院新闻系 传媒高级训导外洋定约通告处2011年运转“外洋教养使命室”,是我校与外洋一流大学进行学术对话,设备的镇定、常效、实体化外洋教诲捏行的跨学科迷惑平台,由定约通告处结合各学院共同举办,已邀请南加州大学、纽约大学等泰西名校和BBC、NBC等外洋主流媒体的20余遑急学者和业界巨匠来校讲课。 这次 “多媒体新闻报谈”使命室邀请好意思国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校教养、原《华盛顿邮报》视频部总监Steven King教养,就多媒体环境下的新闻采访、报谈与剪辑等专题开设系列讲座、磋商会和公开演讲,并进行学术和科研检修会谈。经办单元为电视与新闻学院新闻系,迎接届时干涉。 对于外洋教养使命室最新信息及报名恳求,请心理 “传媒高级训导外洋定约”官方网站及在新浪微博上的官方微博,或发邮件到定约通告处邮箱mleague@163.com报名干涉。 定约官方网站: 定约新浪官方微博:传媒高级训导外洋定约 课程称号:Multimedia Journalism Workshop 讲课教养:Professor Steven King 课程先容:The communication landscape has changed as a consequence of the spread of new means of gathering, organizing and delivering information. This two-week class explores the overlap between several disciplines: video, text, photo and interactive. This immersive workshop experience in documentary video storytelling and online presentation will challenge students of various disciplines. The intensive, hands-on training environment introduces participants to project planning strategies, video content gathering, visual composition, audio recording, non-linear video editing and publishing to the Internet.The workshop covers all you need to know from the moment you press record through uploading and publishing your story. Each individual will produce and edit their own project. 讲课时分: 5月27日——6月7日 讲课说话:英文 课程安排: 1、 “序言会通与新闻报谈”公开讲座: 时分:6月3日 地方:48号楼B501。 2、课程: 1、INTRODUCTION 5/28 Tuesday 第5—8节课 Introduction to Online and Multimedia Storytelling Basics of Video and Photo composition Story Conception and Planning 2、WHAT MAKES A GOOD STORY? 5/29 Wednesday 第5—8节课 Class: Essence of Story Field: Find a subject to interview and shoot. UNDERSTANDING THE STORY Class: Editing tools and Essence of Story Lab: Editing the Interview to find the story 3、GATHERING THE REAL STORY 5/30 Thursday 第5—8节课 Class: How to get a subject to be real Field: Video and Photo subject in real life situations 4、EDITING THE STORY 5/31 Friday 第5—8节课 Class: Editing tools Part II Lab: Editing the Interview to find the story 5、WRITTEN STORY 6/4 Tuesday 第5—8节课 Class: How does text and video complement each other Lab: Writing Article . 6、PHOTOJOURNALISM AS STORY 6/5 Wednesday 第5—8节课 Class: Why photos if we have video? Field: Photograph a Photo Essay 7、INFOGRAPHICS AS STORY 6/6 Thursday 第5—8节课 Class: What is an infographic Lab: Produce Infographic with free tools 8、ONLINE PRODUCTION 6/7 Friday 第5—8节课 Class: How to upload and publish work Lab: Publishing work to class story website The class will have 4 assignments that all culminate in a final project. 1. Written Story 2. Photo Essay or Story 3. Video Story 4. Info graphic (using free tools) 5. Final Project 主讲东谈主简介: Steven King 教养是好意思国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)新闻与大祖传播学院教养,主讲“多媒体新闻报谈”,他携带的学生团队曾率领八次获好意思国区域性艾好意思奖及宇宙其他驰名干系奖项。他曾任《华盛顿邮报》视频部总监,并厚爱该报多媒体论述神色及生意模式的窜改与愚弄,为华盛顿邮报网站创造了大批的财政收入;他还曾任驻外记者,辞宇宙上20多个国度使命过,并已在多个国度开办了多媒体使命室,当今努力于多媒体信息在移动媒体及非触摸式互动界面中的传播盘问。 大学简介:好意思国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)栽种于1789年百家乐涩涩片,是好意思国最早的公立大学,当今已有225年的历史,其学术水平在好意思国及宇宙齐享有殊荣。该大学当今领有学士学位格式78个,硕士学位格式112个,博士学位格式68个,其毕业生深广好意思国5 0个州及宇宙140多个国度。它的新闻与大祖传播学院在全好意思专科名次中名列三甲,是好意思国卡耐基基金会(the Carnegie Foundation)重心维持的12所新闻与大祖传播类专科院校之一。